Friday, January 30, 2009

The All Nighter

Oh man here I go again. My second all nighter this semester and it's only been 3 weeks. So not good but that's what happens when you procrastinate. I'm currently in between papers right now so I decided to give an update. Kinda funny that so far this blog has not been all that geeky so far. Just wait I'll post my Necron army list for an upcoming tournament real soon and possibly pictures from the Rock Band party I'm throwing next Saturday. Oh man, here's the shout out, if you are in the area and know me you are welcome to the party!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trepidations of a Journalism Student

So procrastination is my enemy. Spending more time doing what I want instead of doing what I should be doing is catching up to me. My major does not give me really any room to slack off and yet I still find time to not do my assignments. Now when I do my assignments I sacrifice sleep instead of taking the time to do it when I'm more coherent. It does not help either that I'm also a bit lazy. I need to be more pushy on myself and the targets of my assignments.

Now that my logical thinking in regards to education is out of the way lets hope that I can focus on the more enjoyable aspects of being a geek!