Monday, March 2, 2009

Hooray for March!

Oh man. It's March already, this semester is flying by isn't? Spring break is next week and guess what I'm doing. Working! Yea kinda boring I know, but the money will pay for the rest of the semester since I make bank at my other job. Hollywood Video pays crap so I have to keep my other job that isn't as fun. This Saturday some friends are looking at through a party and it just happens to be on my birthday. So it looks like it's gonna double as a party/b-day party. Double fun! But first, I have to work Saturday night, lame. I still have two more battle reports to post and they should be up this week. The tournament is over and Chaos Marines won, go Kennan! I think I took second or third, I ended the tourney at 3-1, wins over losses.