Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Round 1 Complete

Ok so first and foremost, I DESTROYED my opposition! He came in with a Looted Wagon, 10 Nobs, half had power claws and they were inside a truck. Two Scrocha wagons and a Big Mech with 3 Deffdreads. Five Deffkoptas finish his list. Oh and he also had Gaz'gul with his Nobs.

I let him have first turn since I'm silly that way. In the first time he scouts and turbo-boosted his Deffkoptas and bombed a Warrior squad. He knocked over one Warrior after some nasty scatters and poor rolls. He knocked down three more with his Looted Wagon and its nasty strength 8 AP 3 large blast cannon shot. That would be the end of his turn one. My turn one was a bit different. First the one Warrior that got dropped by the bombing run got back up and the two of the Warriors downed by the cannon did the same. That makes one dead Warrior. I turned my remaining 29 Warriors on to his Deffkoptas. Now remember that when you turbo-boost with the new rules you get a 3+ cover save now. After 34 shots I killed two Deffkoptas, poor rules and the filthy things are toughness five and have two wounds. Sadly they did not run away. Turning my Heavy Destroyers onto the Deffkoptas, I hoped to kill atleat one but I only managed to dish out one wound. One of my Destroyer squards then turned their guns on the Looted Wagon. Fifteen shots later the Wagon no longer had its nasty cannon. My other Destroyer squard fired upon the Ork Truck that was carrying the Nobs and Gaz'gul. The truck had cover saves but I hit with three penetrating hits and two glances. He made the cover saves on the glances and one of the penetrating hits. I roll a six and POW vehicle destroyed. The vehicle then careens towards his deployment edge before exploding into nothing. No Nobs died in the explosion. I then turbo-boosted my scarabs up to a piece of terrain for cover. End turn one.

Turn two. The orks rush forward their Scorcha Wagons and the Deffdreads. Gaz'gul and his Nobs attempt to get out of the crater left behind by their truck but weren't able to get completely out. The Deffdreads fire their twin-linked missiles into my warrior squad and kill two not chance to get back up this time. The Deffkoptas then turn around and fire into the same squad with their twin-linked missiles killing one. The Necrons stand tall and don't run even when the Deffkoptas charge in. After a flurry of blows no Orks or Necrons die. End Ork turn 2. At the beginning of my turn I fire all my Destroyer shots into Gaz'gul and his nobs, 30 shots in all. Killed all but one nob and Gaz'gul, lucky they all had two wounds each. The poor Nob turns and runs. Lucky for Gaz'gul he was no longer attached to the squad after the shooting and keeps his nerves. My Heavy Destroyers fired upon one of the Deffdreads and Hooray for a failed cover save they blasted apart one of three standing. My scarabs fly to the back of the Deffdreads and the Big Mech. Two warrior squads move in on the one Scorcha Wagon that moved into range. The Warriors only managed to stun the crew. The Deffkoptas managed to take down a Warrior and the Warriors failed to retaliate. The Deffkoptas then manage to remove themselves from combat to assault in again on the following turn. They retain their nerves. The Scarabs charge into the Big Mech and managed to dish out a wound while he responds by giving one of his own. End turn two.

Turn three. The Orks have been bloodied but they are not yet broken and they push forward. Gaz'gul initiates the WAAAGH!!! and charges forward quickly get to combat. The Scorcha that is able to shoot fires its flamer into my warriors and downs two. The Big Shoota that is still on the Looted Wagon continues to fire on my Destroyers, failing to do any damage. The Deffkoptas fire their missiles into my Warriors but failed to wound any. The Deffdreads turn around and charge my Scarabs. My poor Scarabs didn't even have a chance. The two Deffdreads and the Big Mech destroyed them before they even got a chance to fight back. The Deffkoptas charge in to combat with the Warriors and no damage is dealt again between both sides. End Ork turn three. This time the Warriors were able to destroy one of the Scorcha Wagons and the Necron Lord fires his Staff of Light into the other, doing nothing. All Destroyers fire upon Gaz'gul and only gave him two wounds out of 30 shots, holy crap 2+ saves are awesome! The Heavy Destroyers fire on the Deffdreads but were unable to get through the cover save given by the Big Mech. The Warrior squad that didn't shoot charge into combat with the Deffkoptas. The Deffkoptas knock down three warriors and I do no wounds, Necrons manage not to run. Deffkoptas fail to leave close-combat, end turn three.

Turn four. Gaz'gul continues to move toward the Necrons with murderous intent and fires his Big Shoota into the Destroyers and fails to bring any down. The Deffdreads and Big Mech move towards the Heavy destroyers and fire their missiles and down one. The Scorcha Wagon still remaining torches seven warriors but only dropped two. The Looted Wagon fails to wound a Destroyer, poor Looted Wagon. The Deffkoptas down two more Warriors in close-combat and they continue to suck it up in returning damage. Warriors miraculously still do not run away. End Ork Turn four. One squad of Destroyers fires upon Gaz'gul and deal another wound to him. The other Destroyer squad turn their guns on the Looted wagon and blow it up to nothing. The two remaining Heavy Destroyers fail to get through the Big Mech's shield yet again. The Necron Lord charges into close-combat against the Deffkoptas and kills one. The two remaining retaliate and give the Lord a wound and the Warriors finally managed to wound the Deffkoptas only to have them shrug them off. End game.

The victory points that my Necrons received in this battle was 1,083, that's ridiculous in four turns! The Orks only got 182. Not a great battle for the Orks but they still held out, if only the Deffdreads were able to get into combat I would have been hosed. If the Nobs didn't get obliterated I really would have been in trouble. Some bad die rolls really hurt the Orks early on. Overall I feel that his list is solid he just didn't have luck on his side this time around.