Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Maserati Adventure

So when spring break rolls around, most students get all excited and get ready to get out of town or party like crazy. What did I do? I went to Salt Lake City to work during the break. I put in over 50 hours in the five days I worked. Over the first couple of days it was pretty busy, but nothing special came up.

On Wednesday one of the nearby body shops brought over a Maserati to have its color matched. This color was intense. It was a black with a metallic flake. Normally this wouldn't be a problem except the side cast was a nightmarish muddy yellow. What made the yellow cast so hard to match is that the color changes based on the position of the sun.

I worked on the Maserati color for the last four hours of the work day and packed up the paint to get it ready to go. I took the car around the block a few times for my on sanity. Honestly, wouldn't you have done the same? After the short drive I took the car back to the body shop.

The next few days were practically dead. It was pretty freaking boring! After work on Friday I went home, packed my stuff, and drove back to Logan. Thats how I spent my spring break. Pretty crazy I know, gotta put a leash on me or something...