Monday, April 13, 2009

Almost over!

Two more weeks, just two more weeks. I keep telling myself this when I think about my empty wallet and being burned out of school. Just two more weeks until summer kicks in and I can start making money again that will all be spent on the next school year. Vicious cycle that needs to be done to get an education. Procrastination is my enemy and yet my friend. It makes me feel frantic when the semester is so close to an end and yet gives me peace of mind when I'm going crazy.

On another note I never got around to posting the other two battle reports but with the tourney over I just didn't feel like posting them. I took 2nd place and Kennan Chaos Space Marines took 1st. He and I played a mock game with our tourney lists and I went to town on him. It was pretty nasty.

Been playing a game called Hordes lately. Another table top miniature war game. Just started a tournament on Wednesday and right now I'm sitting at 2-0. I'm a bit surprised to be honest, I just started playing this game and I'm picking it up pretty quick. The tourney list is limited to 350 points, mangled metal for Warmachine players and tooth and nail for Hordes players. This means only Jacks and war beasts are allowed.

Oh well, that's all for now I need to pay attention to class now.