Monday, February 2, 2009

The Army List...

So I've been tasked to create a 1,500 point list for a Warhammer 40K tournament that the local hobby store, Phoenix Games, is hosting. Each round of the tournament is a week long and the tournament itself is gonna last the whole month of February starting today. I've chosen to bring my Necrons to battlefield. I've played against almost everyone that plans to play in the tournament at one point or another. Much like almost all tournaments that I have been in Imperium is going to be the bulk of the armies. I know for sure that one player will bring at least three Land Raiders (cheasy but oh well). One will play I.G. Armoured Company, thats just swiss cheese for a Necron Army. One might play an artillery heavy I.G. army or his Space Marines. Others will be two Chaos Space Marine Armies and possibly an Eldar army will be present. Thats pretty much all that will be there unless others show up that I haven't met.

Now for my list. I've chosen to go for maneuverability for this tournament give how out gunned Necrons are. For my HQ I'm bringing in a Necron Lord on foot with a Ressurection Orb and a Disruption Field. Troops will consist of three, Warrior squads and 10 models each. I plan to keep them all fairly close together and the Lord's Ressurection orb in range for all three. Fast Attack will be two squads of Destroyers and five models each and seven Scarabs with Disruption Fields. The Destroyers of course have great maneuverability and and firepower. The Scarabs are meant to munch on tanks but if need be they will play as speed bumps. As for Heavy Support I'm bringing in a squad of Heavy Destroyers. The Heavy Destroyers are going to play support for the Destroyers. If the Destroyers don't kill it the Heavy's will, atleast thats the plan.

Overall I feel this list is strong for what Necrons can do. I hope it makes my opponents worry about what they have to do to take me out. I know for sure that one or two players have catered their list to kill my army, how cheasy is that. Oh well, I'll take that as a compliment that they have that much concern about my army owning theirs =P*. My hopes are that they see the scarabs and either shrug them off or waste a turn or two trying to pick them off. If they do the sooner then for sure one tank is atleast not going to shoot on the following turn. If the later happens then it might give me two turns to advance my army into fantastic firing positions, especially the Destroyers and Heavy Destroyers. To be honest besides the tactics with the Scarabs this list kinda feels like a spray & pray list. But isn't that how necrons handle vehicles anyway?

HQ--Lord on foot, Ressurection Orb, Disruption Field---145 pts.
Troops--10x Warriors---180 pts.
10x Warriors---180 pts.
10x Warriors---180 pts.
Fast Attack--5x Destroyers---250 pts.
5x Destroyers---250 pts.
7x Scarabs, Disruption Fields---112 pts.
Heavy Support--3x Heavy Destroyers---195 pts.

Total Points---1492 Points.

Kinda sucks when the cheapest thing a Necron army can field is a Scarab at 12 pts base and for wargear you can field a Disruption Field on a Lord for 5 pts. 8 pts and nowhere to put them, sad.

Let the Necrons destroy those that claim that the galaxy of the 41st Millenia belongs to them!!!