Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Eldar vs Necrons

So this didn't go as planned. I'm too nice sometimes I swear. So I had Paul, the owner of Phoenix Games, sit up a fair, unbiased board. He does what I ask and I'm content, all of it was impassable, blocking terrain. My opponent shows up and blows a lid over the board. He goes off saying that there is no cover for him to shoot from. I tell him to take it up with Paul. Paul tells him to either leave the board or have someone else sit up the board that knows nothing about the game. He then turns back to me and begs to have some wall terrain on the board. After 20 minutes of this I give in and tell him to make it balanced. He puts down three wall pieces in each deployment edge. I agreed to it and we started play, he got first turn.

If I had known that he was playing two sniper squads and a six-man Dark Reaper squad I would have told him to shove off on changing the board. This was my first time playing against the new Eldar Codex and I got served by being a nice guy. I will tell you what, I'm done with that, This is a tournament and dammit I should be and asshole when it comes to the battlefield. Oh well, what's done is done and I lost. the margin was about 250 points between us but the game was really one side once the terrain was placed.

The Eldar army benefited from cover saves, which it bonuses too. The snipers alone had a 2+ save! He had characters that were denying me the cover saves that were supposedly meant to be fair on my side so I go screwed. Especially when the weapons fired by these characters went through standard armour saves. I got totally hosed for being a nice guy. I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

I did manage to destroy Maugan Ra (spelling?) and one scout squad. The warlock commanding the Wraithguard he deployed died as well and my scarabs killed on Vibro Cannon crewman and tied up the cannons for the last two turns of the game. He destroyed a squad or warriors that tied up the Avatar of the Bloody Hand for two turns and my Heavy Destroyers and one squad of Destroyers got owned.

Needless to say, I screwed myself but oh well, I'm not going to let him do this to me ever again. He may whine all he wants but I'm not gonna give him an inch of space on discussions. Lesson learned.