Friday, July 17, 2009

Something different

So I'm going to step away from the geek for amount and layout whats on my mind right now. I went to Charleston, South Carolina on July 3rd and got back on the 12th. I went to see a friend and well lets just say the trip ended up being far more interesting that I expected it to be. When I was at the airport to go home I met two girls that were standing in line with me. We were in line because or flights were delayed and our connection flights were no longer going to work for us. Anyway so I started talking to these girls and we hit it off pretty well. They were from Alabama and were visiting Charleston to see one of their friends. When it came time for me to board my plane it was a little sad to go since I was having a lot of fun talking to them. I come up with the idea that we should try and meet up in the Atlanta airport and hang out until our planes leave. One of the girls thinks its a great idea. She asks if she can have my number. So I give it to her and we part ways.

So now I have the number to a girl named Elizabeth. She's cute, funny, and cool. A pretty good combination if you ask me. We're texting to stay in contact while we're waiting for our planes to tack off which have been delayed, again. When my plane finally takes off I turn my phone off. I land in Atlanta and find out that they're plane turned around and they won't be flying into Atlanta until 6 a.m. the next morning. Sucks but what can you do. So I continue talking to her over the phone until my plane for Utah begins to board.

By this point I'm getting pretty convinced that I won't here from her again. I land in Salt Lake City and turn on my phone. There's a text from Elizabeth asking how my flight was. I reply that it was good and I asked her how sleeping in the airport was. Just silly banter for the most part. Since then though we still text ridiculous amounts to each other and we have had some crazy long conversations every night this week.

Not to sure what to think about this situation or where it might go but as of right now its a lot of fun. We're even of talking of seeing each other again. She wants me to fly out to Alabama and go to a three day outdoor concert with her at the end of September. I'm trying to get her to come out here during the winter. She's never played in the snow and what better place to do it than Logan, Utah.

Well that's whats on my mind and I just felt like getting it out there.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Awesome article

So I get a newsletter from and the recent one featured and awesome article on the history of Final Fantasy. Any fan of the series should check out this article. I even learned a few things. I had an idea that they switched out director's and producers but I was surprised to see how very little they did. I also found out that the creator of Final Fantasy was only 21 years old! There's hope for us young gamers yet!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Legion

Here's some pics of my Legion of Everblight models that I've painted. Enjoy =P*

Alpha War Beast Angelius
War Beast Carnivean

Warmonger War Chief Solo

Not my sort of thing

So I normally don't do stuff like this but wow I'm pissed off right now. I'm tired of being dragged around with promises that come up short. What are you supposed to do? Stand your ground and being a dick about it or just take it and hope that things turn around? I have no idea what do to so I'm ranting to keep from exploding...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

School and Hobbies

So I'm sitting class and I'm debating what homework I'm going to do before I go to my last class today at 5 p.m. I will most likely write one of my news stories. Hooray for the Richmond city farmer's market.

The other topic on my mind is the Hordes/Warmachine tournament finale tonight. I'm sitting at 2-0 and I'm excited. I'm doing really well which surprises me. I've only been playing the game for about 3 months. I think I'm playing trolls tonight and maybe another. I can't remember how many rounds the tournament is. I do think its hilarious that my rounds have been forever long in the tournament. Its frustrating and funny at the same time. Maybe tonight's games will be shorter. I'm probably gonna get my face pounded in something fierce.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Almost over!

Two more weeks, just two more weeks. I keep telling myself this when I think about my empty wallet and being burned out of school. Just two more weeks until summer kicks in and I can start making money again that will all be spent on the next school year. Vicious cycle that needs to be done to get an education. Procrastination is my enemy and yet my friend. It makes me feel frantic when the semester is so close to an end and yet gives me peace of mind when I'm going crazy.

On another note I never got around to posting the other two battle reports but with the tourney over I just didn't feel like posting them. I took 2nd place and Kennan Chaos Space Marines took 1st. He and I played a mock game with our tourney lists and I went to town on him. It was pretty nasty.

Been playing a game called Hordes lately. Another table top miniature war game. Just started a tournament on Wednesday and right now I'm sitting at 2-0. I'm a bit surprised to be honest, I just started playing this game and I'm picking it up pretty quick. The tourney list is limited to 350 points, mangled metal for Warmachine players and tooth and nail for Hordes players. This means only Jacks and war beasts are allowed.

Oh well, that's all for now I need to pay attention to class now.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Maserati Adventure

So when spring break rolls around, most students get all excited and get ready to get out of town or party like crazy. What did I do? I went to Salt Lake City to work during the break. I put in over 50 hours in the five days I worked. Over the first couple of days it was pretty busy, but nothing special came up.

On Wednesday one of the nearby body shops brought over a Maserati to have its color matched. This color was intense. It was a black with a metallic flake. Normally this wouldn't be a problem except the side cast was a nightmarish muddy yellow. What made the yellow cast so hard to match is that the color changes based on the position of the sun.

I worked on the Maserati color for the last four hours of the work day and packed up the paint to get it ready to go. I took the car around the block a few times for my on sanity. Honestly, wouldn't you have done the same? After the short drive I took the car back to the body shop.

The next few days were practically dead. It was pretty freaking boring! After work on Friday I went home, packed my stuff, and drove back to Logan. Thats how I spent my spring break. Pretty crazy I know, gotta put a leash on me or something...